Archives for January 2014

2014 KAGT Info

Here we are, gentlemen, about to start the 5th year of the KAGT.  With that, we give a nod to the KAGT founder and godfather, Jake Wolf.  Wolf, a visionary among visionaries, devised a plan to create a traveling golf tour for friends and friends of friends.  The purpose was not only to hang out with friends, but also to play the game according to USGA rules, establish handicaps, and improve our scoring.  In our short history, we have visited over a dozen local courses, logged over 500 rounds, and handed out thousands of dollars in prize money.  We have all learned more about the rules of this great game.   The competition has challenged us all to work on our games, and almost without exception (Fetter), everyone on tour has improved their handicaps.   The other great thing about the KAGT is that it puts golf on the schedule.  Most of us would likely play anyway, but this allows our families to know in advance when we’ll be on the course.

Over the years, we have had some folks come and go.  We understand.  Life happens.  As always, if you have played in the past and would like to join us again, you will be welcomed with open arms.  We do have a few new people slated to join us for the 2014 season.  I will send out an intro email once we have a complete list of who will be joining.  If you know of someone who would be great on the tour, now is the time to recruit them.  The key right now is that they have a current USGA handicap or will be able establish a legit USGA handicap over the next couple of months.  Please let me know if you have someone in mind and we can discuss.

Below you will find a to do list I have put together for you guys, our 2014 schedule, entry fee info, and new rules changes:


KAGT Member to do list: 

  1. Send the 2014 KAGT schedule to your wife/girlfriend.
  2. Explain that only weddings, funerals, and planned vacations take priority.  Yes, birthday parties will go on without you.  Her family hates you, anyway.
  3. Remind her that you are the man of the house and you’ll play golf when you damn well please.
  4. Dodge the plate that is flying toward your face.
  5. Mentally prepare yourself to take care of the kids for the next 3 days, solo.
  6. Perform random acts of strength around the house to up your intimidation factor.
  7. Watch one episode of The Bachelor with her…tell her she is prettier than all of those drunk, desperate chicks, even if we all know it’s not true.
  8. Make a promise to do x, y, and z for your wife.  Whether or not you do x, y, and z is totally up to you.
  9. Throw a buddy under the bus to make yourself look more  virtuous –  “At least I’m not like (so-and-so) who is always out doing (such-and-such).”
  10. Threaten to go out with so-and-so and do such-and-such.
  11. If you haven’t sealed the deal by #3, you are the problem, not your wife.  Sack up.  You disgust me.


2014 Schedule: 

As always, we’ll send tournament groupings and a finalized tee schedule prior to the event.  You may preplay an event during the two weeks prior if you are unable to play on the specified date.  If you would like to host an event, we have a few available.


2014 KAGT Schedule


You’ll notice on the schedule a KAGT Family Potluck on April 13th.    We’ve been talking about getting everyone and their families together, and we’re finally going to do it.  Yes, that is Master’s Sunday.  But, we’ll have it on the TV, and you’ll be able to get home in plenty of time to watch the finish.



We will be requiring all players to prepay for the season at the first event they play.  If you miss a tournament, you will be refunded the entry fee for that tournament at the next event you attend.  The amount for the total season will be $165.  Here is the breakdown:

Regular Tournaments (HC, Bluegrass, Road Warrior, QCGCDCFCI, Prestige) – $15/each

Majors (Match, IO, KAGTO, TC) – $20/each

Membership – $10


Rules Changes:

There are two major rules changes for 2014:

  1.  Handicap Limit:  We passed a rule setting the max handicap at 20 for 2014.  For 2015, the max will transition to 18 and stay there.  This does not mean that you can’t play if you have a handicap above 20; it just means that you will only be allotted the handicap strokes given to a 20-handicap.
  2.  Out of Bounds/Lost Ball:  In an effort to speed up pace of play, you will now have the option to take a 2-stroke penalty and drop your ball within 2 club lengths of where your ball crossed OB or where you believe your lost ball should be, in lieu of having to go back to the original location of your shot attempt.  You will always be expected to hit a provisional if you think your ball may have gone out of bounds or is in danger of being lost.  If you choose not to take the 2-stroke penalty, you may still go back to the original location of the shot attempt and play under the standard stroke and distance penalty guidelines.

An example:  You hit a long, straight drive at #10 Seneca.  You’re sure it is good, so you don’t hit a provisional.  You cannot find your ball.  You can either take the 2-stroke penalty and hit your 4th shot within two-club lengths of where you believe the ball to be, our you may go back to the tee, take a stroke and distance penalty, and attempt what would be your 3rd shot.

If you have any questions on this rule, please reach out to our rules expert, Steve Brown.


Thanks, guys!  Looking forward to a great 2014 on the tour.

Casey Weber – KAGT Commissioner/2011 Points Champ